Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Favorite Etsy Seller number 1...

I love Etsy. You can often find a seller who produces the most beautiful work and has the most original products. I've decided that every once in a while I need to feature a seller that I find who does just that truly impeccable, incredible and original work here on the blog. Cassandra Norton is just such a person. Her Fussy Couture shop is fun and original. I have purchased quite a few of her items and they are made with perfect attention to detail and come in a darling package. Neiman Marcus would be lucky to carry these items. Visit Fussy Couture HERE...


  1. I love those things! They are life savers over here in crazyland!

  2. I love posts that weed through Etsy. It's a site I enjoy, but rarely take the time to find new sellers.
