Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Omega 3 New Years...

Last year my New Year's resolution was to eat 5 fruits and veggies per day. I am doing OK on that still. I often only get to 4, (and I admit that 3 servings are often fresh oranges... but hey! I'm trying...) so I'm not going to beat myself up. This year my goal is to add Omega 3 foods to that mix. Web MD has a great article here about the benefits of Omega 3's... If you have children you might think about trying to incorporate a few Omega 3's into their diet as well after reading this article.

Anyway, I've been eating this cereal in the mornings.. Check out these great numbers...

500mg Omega-3
9g protein
8g fiber
15g of whole grains


  1. So glad to see you back! I am trying again this year too, you forgot to mention how it tastes...

  2. I love this cereal. My digestive system does not. :)

  3. Hooray for the Omega 3's...I try to get mine every day!

  4. Kashi is yuck. They make such healthy food, it's true, but yuck. I will have to try this cereal if you recommend it because you have good taste so I trust you...but I don't know, T. It looks yuck.

  5. oh man! That sounds awesome! Great resolutions by the way. I need more Omega threes, but being a college student in an inland area does not support the fact that I want my Omega-3s to come from fancy fresh fish. Tuna's great, but I need variety. I know, I know, lame excuse for not being healthy. This cereal sounds great though! I'm going to have to try it!
