Friday, December 05, 2008


by Janie Bynum
"Otis is a little pig with a BIG problem. He doesn’t like mud.
His mama and papa are convinced he will someday love the stuff, but Otis isn’t so sure. And, in the meantime, he's lonely. It’s not easy being the only pig in the county who hates getting dirty.
Will Otis ever find
a friend?"
I have hang ups that I hate to admit to. Dirt is a thing that I not only despise... but it kind of scares me, so I relate to little Otis and his big problem. This little book shows that you can be OK even if you are wired a little bit different from other folksies... which I expect everyone is...


  1. As far as phobias go I think dirt is an okay one! My sister is at least as bad as you, probably worse! Looks like a very cute book.

  2. I know exactly how Otis feels: I am a pig, and I hate getting dirty! What a cute book!

  3. Lilly would love this book--except that she LOVES mud. But pigs come first. I'll see if it's at my local library.
