Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Queen of Christmas...

I love Children's picture books. The best art in the world is found in the children's lit. section at the library. We collect Christmas everything around here and this is newest book in our collection thanks to Circe! Thank you Circe!

I love the message in this book. It reminds me of some advice that I got from a friend one day who said, "Life is short. Don't make your life about taking care of stuff. Make your life about experiences." Circe does that better than anyone I know as well as gifting great experiences that become treasured memories to her family, especially her children, and all her friends. Getting and having lovely things is wonderful, but memories of great times last forever.

I enjoy so much the work of what little c calls the "HOLIDAY BOOM!" Making the chocolate chip pecan pies for Thanksgiving is coming right up.. The trick is to skip the parts you don't like as much in favor of the fun part. For example.. I don't enjoy making the pie crust usually... so I skip that part... buy the crust and just make and bake the filling inside. I love the smell from the oven.

What are the parts you'd skip and the parts you enjoy the most?


  1. Ditto about the pictures in children's books...absolutely the best! I skip wrapping. I use brownbag or white gift bags instead. Very generic, but can be used all year long. I stock up at the dollar store. Tie them up with a pretty Christmas ribbon. Although, our gift list is considerably much less this year, so maybe I'll give wrapping a shot.

  2. I love Mary Engelbreit her messages and the artwork. I will have to check out this book. I love the holiday season. I keep thinking how can I simplify this year. I really want to enjoy the season rather than being stressed about all of the work. Just enjoy my children and family and think about the reason for the season.

  3. I skip having a real tree... I know I'm missing out on the awesome smell but it just stresses me out getting a real tree, the whole choosing and hawling and tree stands and watering and needles falling.... I skip it and that way I can have the tree up extra long w/out the worry of it dying.

    this book looks great, I'll have to go find one soon.

  4. One of my personal favorite books, also!
    What do I skip? Cooking Thanksgiving Dinner. I started this about 10 years ago. We go out on Thanksgiving Day. This way, I enjoy playing with my family and I am not exhausted at the end of the day.
    We do miss the left overs, So I do cook a Turkey dinner with all the trimmings close to Thanksgiving.

  5. If I could I'd skip finals week! Wouldn't that be lovely? Some things I enjoy the most about the holiday include GRAPEFRUIT--FRESH,PINK, TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT! (Which was 8 for $1 at the Sunflower Market last week :) ) Some of my favorite Christmas break memories include my eating a whopping huge grapefruit and challenging my siblings to a game of chess infront of the glowing fireplace. I also love the tradition of watching "Home Alone," a Christmas classic, and now "Love Actually," although now that I own it edited, we watch it all year round! The greatest thing about the holidays is the lovely Christmas break in which we take time away from our studies and spend more of it with our families. Life really is more than just about memorizing facts and cramming our heads full of practical knowledge, and getting a job, but it's about creating memories that last a lifetime, making life truly worthwhile, and developing bonds that will NEVER be broken. That's what matters, and I think it's easier to see that during the holidays.

  6. Tiff, you always say the nicest things! I skip trying to simplify, because that is depressing. At the same time, though, I also skip doing anything because I HAVE to. I don't have to do anything because it's tradition or expected or has always been done. I just do lots of whatever it is that makes Christmas exciting and fun in the moment. And that would include skipping the pie crust! :)

  7. Mary is of my favorites!

  8. I love all of it. The baking, the decorating, the parties. But I will admit that outdoor lighting has made me very mad at times. They always go out when your guests are coming are something. So I have decided to not do as much of it, so I won't be so mad!
