Wednesday, November 26, 2008

In addition to Christmas Boxes...

I made this little box for a lovely dark haired baby named Lily.
... and put together these little favor bags for little c's b-day party. Do you see Pancake peeking out of there. c and I collaborated on that one. She didn't realize how difficult it is to get to the final design. I think she had to draw a simple sketch 9-10 times before we got the exact shape we needed. I was proud of her for sticking it out with me. There are a few Pancakes in the shop.. but no blue lilies I'm afraid although there are yellow and pink.


  1. Love the Love Boxes. They are so charming.

  2. Beautiful! Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Those boxes are so cute! The goodie bag is so pretty with all that gingham :)

  4. Oh, I wish I could come to the party ! Ellie
