Wednesday, November 12, 2008

George Washington's Rules of Civility...

If only our society was as concerned with good grace as our first president! This little book has 110 rules for good manners. Some of the rules are a bit funny to us ... but some are still very pertinent and important rules of etiquette.
a bit funny...
Cleanse not your teeth with the table cloth napkin, fork, or knife; but if others do it, let it be done with a pick tooth.
very pertinent...
Be not angry at table whatever happens, and if you have reason to be so, show it not; put on a cheerful countenance especially if there be strangers, for good humour makes one dish of meat a feast.
It is unbecoming to stoop too much to ones meat. Keep your fingers clean and when foul wipe them on the corner of your table napkin.
I would add... never.. ever lick your fingers. It's a fast way to bad manners and a bad cold.
Love this little book. It's a lot to think about still.


  1. Sounds like a very fun read!

  2. It does make you wonder what some of their dinner parties may have been like! I love these little books you find!
