Monday, August 04, 2008

A Sewing Travel Pillows Day...

I can't take any credit for Michelle's "Love" pillow... those would be great in your shop Michelle.. I love mine.
But, we did make covers for these little 9X12 travel pillows. I don't remember where I found the pillow forms, but I see them around so I don't think they are rare. They make a great TV/Movie/Napping pillow. Oh, and they are great for travel too. :)
c. made a dog for hers.
This is one that she sleeps with.
These are the little tiny pillows that c made for Pancake.


  1. Wow! Those are great pillows! Fantastic fabrics too! Glad you still like your love pillow!

  2. These are too cute! Just adorable work.

    By the way, have you been watching "Chasing Churchill?" I'll post on it this week in case you haven't. It's totally up your alley!
