Friday, August 01, 2008

Bleak House...

Bleak House was bleak indeed until the very end, but what a story. I loved it! My only criticism is that Dickens does take some time with a good ending and the BBC folks put you through 6 hours of tragedy and then drop you happily ever after in the ending just like that. Many, many films have that problem... it leaves you a little less than satisfied with how things have turned out... But, still if you didn't get to see this one... don't miss. :)


  1. Yeah, you are back! We finally signed up for netflix yesterday so I will have to put that on the list!

  2. I missed the ending because halfway through it we walked out of the theater! I can't take too much bleakness, no matter how happy the ending :)

  3. This is one of the reasons I signed up for Netflix (again). It's in my queue right after I see the 2nd half of Masterpiece Theatre's Sense & Sensibility. :)
