Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Bike Basket is a Lovely Thing...

This is a fun website if you are a big spender in need of a bike. Who wouldn't want a Crownie Townie in Tangerine? They also have lots of fun bike accessories...


  1. I know you aren't a bike rider but i can just see you riding around on a tangerine beauty with that adorable basket in front!

  2. Thanks for the inspiration! We'll be getting me an electric bike soon. I can hardly wait. I'm not really into riding but with the extra power in the new one, I'll be able to go on bike rides with Steve!

    BTW, I'm in Ontario for the next 10 days. I usually comment on your blog from northwest of you and now I'm way northeast of you, north of NY state :)

  3. I LOVE bike baskets, I have one myself! Great website!
