Monday, July 07, 2008

WALL.E... The Big Lie on the Big Screen...

The California environmental lobby (i.e Hollywood) hasn't noticed a few things... like: garbage containment, recycling efforts, water and air quality have improved A LOT in just the last 20 years. There have also been some technological advances that make it possible for us to grow enormous amounts of food with less land and less soil erosion. But, whatever.. sell the kiddos down the doom and gloom path and bore me to absolute madness on the way. Please don't throw rotten tomatoes at me, but it would be impossible for me to tell you how I loathed this film. Can I get my $5.50 back?


  1. I didn't love it either.

  2. Go see Kit Kittredge. It was very cute! Movies in Utah are cheaper than here it is 9 bucks per show.

  3. It wasn't to great but the kids just liked to cute robots, I think. It was a fun day to be with the grandkids though. But I have never been big on robots myself.

  4. Glen Beck made similiar negative comments. I haven't (and won't) see it.

  5. Have no interest in seeing it. I agree with you about Hollywood showcasing one viewpoint. Glad you wrote your review here!

  6. I love how honest you are. I read a review elsewhere that said it was WAY over the little kiddies heads with all the social commentary it was dripping with.

    I think I will just add this one to netflicks.

  7. Thanks for your input.
