Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Paul Revere's Ride...

Were Hollywood to make this book into a film, I'm afraid that the public would find it somewhat marvel comicesque. It is difficult to fathom the personal tragedy, the wisdom, the character, the honor, the efforts, the intelligence, the courage and the faith of this one man.
Captured in the middle of his midnight ride, Revere faced his captors with courage and defiance. Knowing the truth to be his best weapon, he informed the British Officers that he had alarmed the countryside, that the Minutemen were gathering and headed their way. Threatened and with a pistol to his head to tell the truth, Revere responded with spirit, "I call myself a man of truth, and you have stopped me on the highway, and made me a prisoner I knew not by what right. I will tell the truth, for I am not afraid." Eventually, the truth frightens the officers who take Revere's horse, but set him free. During the night, in addition to warning the countryside, he rescues John Hancock and Samuel Adams twice, saves the secret papers of the revolution and is witness to the first shots fired on Lexington Green.
Paul Revere was one of many midnight riders, although he may have been the most effective of them. However, it is interesting to me to learn of another patriot who using his own unique talents and abilities helped to found this nation and gifted to the world a new definition of liberty.
Where ever we are, may we remember the liberties that we enjoy and spread them throughout the world to those who are oppressed.
"Each year, that old memory is carefully renewed. On the 19th day of every April, at the same hour when the messenger of alarm arrived in 1775, the town's great bell is made to ring again in the night. The people of the town awaken suddenly in their beds, and listen, and remember. It is an ancient tradition in the town that the ringers should include the children, so that the rising generation will remember too. The bell itself was made by Paul Revere. Still it carries his message across the countryside."
I hope that one day tyrants will not be tolerated, and like Paul Revere, all the people of the world will carry a standard of Liberty, one that guarantees freedom for every living soul and thus ensures peace in every nation and heart.
Happy Independence Day!


  1. I went to Boston this past Spring and visited Paul Revere's home, but I never knew that they did that annual bell-ringing! What a wonderful tradition, and to include the children in it - awesome! Happy 4th of July to you, too!

  2. I want to read the book too. It was fun to go to Boston and see all those places. Lexington Square and such.

  3. Well said! Happy Independence Day to you, to!

  4. Oh, I have put this book on my "To Read" list and "Someday My Prince Will Come" just came at the library.
