Thursday, July 10, 2008

Les Madeleines...

Yesterday my mom, c and I went to Les Madeleines lovely bakery in SLC. I was dreaming of a eating Kouing Aman, which is something that I have no idea how to pronounce, but is sure is delish! Les Madeleines isn't a very well kept secret anymore, it's been in so many magazines and television programs these days, but they did move in the past few months from their State St. location to something much better on 5th south at 216 East. It's a more spacious space where you can sit down and eat a fabulous turkey sandwich and read a paper before you begin to devour the divine treats in the case. I didn't have it, but next time I go, I'm ordering the limeade too. YUM!! See more about Les Madeleines at their site HERE.

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