Friday, July 18, 2008

Kit Kittredge...

I went to this little show with pretty low expectations since everything else I've seen in the theater this summer has been pretty dumb. This, however, is darling. Go. It's clean as a whistle too. The cast is quite a talented lot and it seems that no expense was spared when it comes to set and costume. Looking at all that stuff from the 30's was pretty fun. The plot and screen play were dramatic, but nothing most 6 year-olds couldn't handle and it has just enough drama for you to enjoy it too. I can't speak for the husbands.. mine had to work so I can't give his opinion.


  1. oh, thanks for the review, I have been dying to know what you think! I think B and I will go next week!

  2. I CAN'T wait for this one. It is so up our alley. Thanks for the review and it looks perfect.
