Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Prince Caspian...

Little c and I have listened to this series several times on recorded book from the library and they are wonderful. In the film, they had to add just a bit to Prince Caspian to make it a full-length feature film, but for the most it was a fantastic job.. the kiss and the lame theme song at the end weren't quite on target and the Lion made a comment that I didn't think fit.. but for the most part it was really great.
It is more intense than the first film a bit and quite violent so you have to know your child.


  1. In one of our Stk Wards, they took the activity day girls to see this film with their dads for a daddy daughter date afternoon. I was a little shocked for the 8 year olds. But, I guess they had fun. It will probably be a film that my daughter and I will go see. I do love the concepts of the material. But the violence is sometimes to much even for me. Thanks for the review. Have a good day Tiffany..

  2. I'm ashamed to admit that I never read the Chronicles of Narnia as a child! I don't know what happened!? I just finished Prince Caspian yesterday, and am excited to see how the film compares. Thanks for the review!
