Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Herb Garden...

This is the herb garden. We hope to have it growing in more attractive containers at some point, but right now we are recycling the pots that the trees and shrubs came in from last years plantings. We planted about 10 trees last year, but I am always finding trees that I love and would love to have.. and with the price of fruit lately.. maybe an apple or a pear tree because.. HELLO fruit costs about $1 a piece these days. Maybe I should get a tree and a fruit stand!


  1. It would be so fun to have a fruit stand!

  2. I love the idea of a fruit stand. Wouldn't that be fun. I would love it anyways. I think that is great that you are growing herbs. Love them.

  3. I need to get on this bandwagon. We did a teeny tiny veggie garden, but it's so sad. The prices are crazy these days on produce. I'm going to be following this to hear if it's an easy project or not. :)
