Friday, May 09, 2008

Speed Racer...

I was thinking about taking c to view the new Speed Racer movie this weekend or next (it takes a lot of gumption to face movie crowds on the weekends around here). I'm not so sure anymore... some idiot must have already seen it because at 2AM said doofus came racing around the neighborhood. Sleep never comes easily for me and it is quickly frightened away by thunderstorms, dogs and crazy people doing reckless automobile stunts in the middle of the night. So, I've been up since 2 and feel like I was run over. I may have to catch up with you all tomorrow. Sorry to be so whiny.


  1. Hi Tiffany,

    Hope you got some sleep. My bedroom window sits near a large dip in the road in our otherwise quiet neighborhood but inevitably someone - usually on the weekend at about 3:00 am - comes plowing through there and the noise...well let's just say asphalt and metal don't blend well.

    If you see the movie and it's any good let me know. My little boy is Speed Racer crazy these days.

  2. Bonjour Tiffany! Ahhhh! This is one of the best sides of living in the country! The only noise that sometimes startles me in the night is the coyotes howling ...So many boys movies out suddenly, Iron Man, Speed Racer, Indian Jones soon, I can feel my cholesterol leverl rising justing thinking about all that popcorn we are going to munch on! Have a great weekend! LuLu

  3. I hope you can catch up on your sleep today. A neighbor just acquired a dog and it barks all night long. I'm trying to be patient, but I'm growing tired of it very quickly. Hang in there. Happy Mother's Day!

  4. I'm a light sleeper as well, and the littlest noise will wake me and render me incapable of falling back to sleep (having newborns is murder). I have to sleep with a fan next to my head to mute the outside sounds.

    Speaking of which, have you noticed that the trains have stopped blowing their whistles? They passed some sort of "quiet zone" law. THANK YOU! I might actually be able to open my window at night!

    Hope you get some rest. Is a nap in your future?

  5. I have been wondering about that movie for matthew too, but I don't want to live it! Hope there is good sleep in your future!
