Saturday, May 10, 2008


I ran into this book at the bookstore yesterday. I had to sit there and pretend I had really bad allergies instead of the fact that I was crying in the store... so embarrassing. It's about a mother who has this cute daughter. The daughter has the audacity to grow up and ride two wheel bikes and it's like in the next page that she leaves for college. And it's about how precious this daughter is to her mother. I'm going to try and give this to c for her birthday this year. I hope I remember.. and write her a lovely letter and tell her she is the most fabulous thing that ever happened to me.


  1. Makes me want to blubber just reading your post!

  2. Oh... how sweet.

  3. ARG! I started crying just reading your post! There is nothing more sad to me than that my kids are going to grow up and leave me. I like NOW.

  4. I am crying at the thought of this book and everyone having the nerve to grow up!

  5. Can't wait to check it out!

  6. i can't wait to go check it out! thanks!
