Thursday, May 08, 2008

A little friend came to visit...

A little while ago, this little friend came to visit. Three is an interesting age and she reminded me that a lot of the things my nephew, (who I see far more frequently) does are all about being 3. Three is big. People who are three can do big things and they don't need any help. People who are three can be afraid of the garden peas on their plate, but not afraid to jump down an entire flight of stairs if you're not watching them close. They can be afraid of the swing set, but not afraid of running in the road.
You have to watch a 3... carefully.. but, they sure are a delight.


  1. What a sweet little girl!

    (Oh...we know all about the ins and outs of three around here!) :)

  2. I love three, I love all the fun things they say!

  3. That is some great pictures of a doll face. So much fun and yet so much work. But who could resist that smile. Sweeeet...........

  4. Oh tiffany what a cherubus maximus!
