Monday, May 05, 2008

Jeeves and the Fuedal Spirit...

If life has made a turn for the worse and things have been a real downer lately then.. you need Jeeves to cheer you up. I love a good P.G. Wodehouse and this one is hilarious. Bertie gets himself tied up in a love triangle, some trouble with his favorite aged ancestor and a fake pearl necklace and all kinds of comic relief. The benefit of these books is that by the end you'll be better able to talk like an Englishman.. a trip to the car wash is "ghastly, horrendous, the worst possible disaster in an otherwise pleasant life." A major car wreck where you've barely escaped with your life is, "a small spot of trouble, a minor inconvenience, a bit of a bump in the road." Wodehouse is always a smart, witty, quick read and tons of fun.
** If you haven't.. don't forget to sign up on the Giveaway post below.. everyone welcome!


  1. Sounds like a good one for me!

  2. There was a Jeeves show on PBS tonight. Bertie was played by the Dr on House... quite funny to see him doing an English accent!
    Did you watch it? It was fun!

  3. sounds great... and i love anything english.
