Friday, May 23, 2008

Good Manners Thursday...

I forgot yesterday about good manners Thursday.. and so I'm making it up with a really important piece of info. and that is how to word invitations when THE QUEEN will be invited to your soiree. You would not want to say that THE QUEEN "requests the pleasure of your company." It would be rude to make her seem like the hostess. According to Debrett's, "The correct form is to use the phrase 'in the gracious presence of Her Majesty The Queen'." So, now you know the proper way to send out the invites when THE QUEEN is coming to lunch. I saved you right!


  1. Now, I know!!!
    Speaking of manners, you will have to see my post today.

  2. HA! I am going to share this with my kids because this is going to be my new introduction for their mother. I think every woman deserves this, just not her majesty. I would never survive over there. I would probably be in jail. Thanks for saving me Tiff.

  3. Yup, you totally saved me!

  4. I love Good Manners Thursday! I wish everyone knew more ettiquette, like RSVP means call if you can't come to thank me for inviting you, and call if you can come to ask what you can bring!
