Thursday, May 15, 2008

Glass Lidded Carafe...

I am not an elegant person, I only wish. I spend most of my days painting in clothing that paint can (and has) been spilled on.. like pajama bottoms and sweat pants.. but I love the idea of an elegant life... possibly one that includes a lovely breakfast tray with this beautiful carafe, a piece of toast, some fruit and a single rose. Wouldn't that be lovely? I think this would make a lovely wedding gift for an elegant person.
You can find it on Carolyn Roehm's lovely site here.


  1. That is just beautiful! When we have guests sleeping over my husband always leaves a carafe of water with a glass on the bedside table. (He's the elegant one) This is perfect with the glass doubling as a lid. I'm off to check it out.

  2. Bonjour Tiffany! Sorry for being such a lousy commenter but I have been busier than usual with all kinds of work all-sorts. Thanks for being a regular visitor and commentor, I love hearing from you! About elegance, my mother in law was an elegant woman. She was born in a rich and opulent family, never went to school but had a private teacher at home, had a personal driver at age 6, had a favorite gardener, went to balls several times a year, went to Europe when she was 10 and was adored by her mother and father. She grew up that way too and was a very unusual woman. She was elegant ALL the time. She would walk bare foot in my garden but would be wearing her Hermes scarf and tons of heirloom jewelry. She had an incredible house filled with souvenirs from around the world. She loved animals and loved Ulysse my son. She lived a simple life of ever-present elegance. Never wore a pair of pants in her entire life... And she gave me one of these crystal carafe once... Have a great rest of the week! LuLu

  3. I haven't seen a prettier on than that. Lovely for sure.

  4. It is a beautiful carafe.

  5. I always think of you as elegant, I never remember the pj pants although now that I think about it I have seen you in paint clothes before. I think this means you have an elegant spirit, even if it doesn't match your exterior at the moment!

  6. That is very pretty. I've always wanted a carafe with glass for a lid. Thanks for the info.

  7. I've seen these and think they're lovely. I dream of a beautiful guest room complete with these kinds of details. Ms. Roehm has class.

    BTW, I added your blog to my links. Is that alright?
