Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Union Pacific Rail Depot...

It's tragic that we didn't have the will or the cash to make
the Union Pacific Rail depot .. the SLC hub.
It's so sad.. I can just see this building filled with leather arm chairs and news stands.


  1. That is so sad Tiff. That would have been perfect. That is just a lovely building. They don't make things like they use too. I love old buildings and their the detail and charm. Thanks for sharing this because I can visualize the whole hussle and bussle of it too.

  2. I have never even been there, but I'll have to make sure I do soon.

    What a beautiful building!

  3. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Very pretty! Thank you for sharing such fun! I wish I could go see too! Maybe someday!

  4. Those windows are amazing. I love imagining what life was like whenever I'm standing in an old building. I doubt I would have been able to hack the hard life, but it's fun to think about.

  5. i love the stained glass.. so pretty.
