Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Someday My Prince Will Come...

I took the afternoon off yesterday and read this book cover to cover. No, I did not have time to do this and I will soon be paying the price for my irresponsible actions. Not to mention this book is so much debauchery and drunkeness... don't worry about my soul however, .. it's PG rated (but wouldn't be if there were details if you know what I mean)! But, it was just so fun!
I found this book about the silliest thing I've ever read. It's not really well written either, but at the same time I found it really inspiring in an insane sort of way and there are so many wonderful quotes..
Possibly because some of my own dreams are insane.. I related to Jerramy Fine and her quest (from the age of 6) to marry an English Prince. Raised by hippie parents on the outskirts of Denver (this book may be for you Janice).. she casts off her hemp wearing lifestyle at the age of 2 proclaiming as her mother comes to wake her, "You are NOT the woman who dresses me!"
It does seem that our dreams sometimes define us.. hopefully they define us better than we are...
"Nothing splendid was ever achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance." ~Bruce Barton
If you read this book.. I am dying to know what you think!


  1. I do not know where you come up with all these reads. I have never even heard of this book. It looks interesting enough though because I do love a little silly now and again. Okay. I won't lie. All the time.

  2. I haven't heard of it either but I'm putting it on my list!

  3. This book has been added to my check out list. Thanks!

  4. my library doesn't have it! I may try and have them get it, they do that sometimes. And that red fabric you liked on my cards? It was one you sent me!

  5. hilarious Michelle .. you can always turn scaps into something fabulous!

  6. I have never heard of this book. I am currently reading Last known victim by Erica Spindler. A little more tense, about a serial killer in New Orleans. But I do like to read books that make me smile or laugh. I want to say thanks for your sweet comments about my purses. I am such a purse-aholic! Or purse HOG! Ha! Hugs***Renea

  7. Sounds like fun! I can't believe you got through a whole book in a day?!!! I'm such a slow reader, lol! I get too distracted and have to read the same paragraph over and over because I keep losing my spot!

  8. That book sounds fun! I added it to my list... as did my oldest! She said it sounded like a fun read!

    I haven't blown you off with regards to you wanting to chat about Band of Brothers... I So LOVE that show! It is fascinating! I decided to do a post about it, but something that I have been thinking about it is this: they were called the Greatest Generation for a reason... they were required to give/sacrifice it all for our country. And we are asked to sacrifice/give nothing. We have much to thank them for! My husbands family is all military (Grandfather, uncle, stepdad and brother)--- his Grandfather had to go de-mine the mine fields, and then was also a pilot. The stories he would tell! I feel like it is a blessing that we have this movie (is that weird?) because once this generation has all passed on, how do we keep these stories alive? Have you seen the PBS documentary called The War? It's about WWII also and Oh man! It's just as fascinating!
    Anyway. If you want to chat more, email me!
