Friday, April 25, 2008

Mother's Day Box.. Sweet Pea...

I put my favorite quote about mothers inside this box.. It reads, "I remember my mother's prayers.. they have clung to me all my life..." Abraham Lincoln
It's been listed this morning in..


  1. Tiffany, may my children say that of me:-)

    PS have just put a post up that I think you will LOVE.

    Hugs bug and have a great weekend

  2. Hi Tiffany,

    I just purchased your little owl box - I so love that one.

    Have a great weekend!!

    Sabina ~

  3. I love that quote by Lincoln. The other one I like by him is "Everything I am or ever hope to be I owe to my angel mother."
    Just lovely.

  4. what a sweet quote and I love the sweet pea:):):) My whole arm is killing me from painting my little on earth do you paint so beautifully that small!!!?

    Happy weekend to you! xo...jenn

  5. What a wonderful quote. Love the sweet peas.

  6. How cute are these boxes! Thank you for the comment on the picture - I took that on my way to a catering job, must have just been the right light, right time!
