Tuesday, April 01, 2008

More Snow...

Spring is having a difficult time coming I guess. This was taken yesterday morning. I really don't mind too much because the sky in Utah is so stunning after rain or snow and the weather I truly hate is inversion. I can't take a decent picture in inversion to save my life. Who wants a gray/brown sky. We seriously need to do something about that. I was thinking maybe we could build a giant air purifier? ... just an idea.
I once wanted to choose a paint chip because it was called Utah Sky and it was just that blue on the right of this photo. I admit that the paint chip names sway my opinion. However, I ended up with true blue which bugs me so much I'm going to have to re-name it, although it truly is a lovely blue. When I went shopping with my sister to find paint chips for her new yellow room.. we narrowed it to daffodil and sundance... Now she can say that her room is painted in sundance yellow.. lovely.
Yesterday was frustrating. I accomplished almost nothing. OK I accomplished things that did not include painting. So, today I am going to plow through the laundry and give C a haircut and paint and paint.. I hope. And, I hope that you get to do something you really love too. :)


  1. We just painted our dining room and I totally changed the name of the paint. But don't tell anyone, k? :-D

  2. My mom's house is painted in millet. Not a great name I don't think, but we all remember it! Like the air purifier idea! Good luck today!

  3. I needed your weather report. I am packing to head there from perfectly blue sunny skies, wearing shorts, etc.

  4. I have the hardest time when it comes to choosing paint colors. I'm painting my front door red and even though I haven't started I'm wondering IF the red is the correct shade. I painted our Florida House's front doors three times in one year.
    Have a happy day painting.

  5. that photo is beautiful!! That blue is so crisp... I love it!
    AND, that dessert sounds completely divine! I am totally going to make it!
    Thanks for sharing!

  6. That blue sky is gorgeous. I wouldn't mind another snowfall here. I hope we get one soon. I'm right there with ya' on the laundry today. Where does it all come from?

  7. I'm swayed by the names, too. I can't choose a paint with a dumb name. My entryway is called Arizona. The neutral we have is called moth grey, which is why almost all of it has been painted over with Vintage Claret, Spring Green and River Rock.

  8. I love that sky color in that picture. I hope you get that painting and laundry done. That sounds nice. I have a ton I've been plowing thru to already. I am eating lunchy. Carry on Sister. Snow plow.

  9. My oldest son flew to Utah over the weekend and I had to remind him to bring a warm coat and scarf. He laughed and said he almost packed his swimsuit.

    Sabina ~


    Thanks for the blueberry lemon bar recipe!!

  10. Beautiful photo Tiffany! Wow it's still snowing???

  11. I forgot to mention my favorite name for a color in my house...Purple Mountain Majesty. How could I not choose it?
