Monday, April 21, 2008


Can you believe that I got this picture from Ha! If someone gave me this scale as a present.. I would be pretty hurt I think, but there is no accounting for taste. I suppose someone could have a friend named Bob who is in great shape and proud of it and likes to get on a scale every morning and say to himself, "Bob you're in great shape! Look at those numbers! What a guy!!!"
Anywho, things have been more that crazy around here since about Christmas and I have found myself eating more and more sugar. Since I already have sugar for breakfast, lunch and dinner (with a sugar-free diet coke of course) that's a lot of sugar!
So I intend to reform. (Does anyone want to reform with me?) I wrote this diet.. (but you could do your own program).
1. Eat 5 servings of fruit/veggies per day
2. Get 30 minutes of exercise per day
3. Eat only 1 treat per day
4. Eat regular portions and no seconds
5. Eat nothing after 8 P.M.
So that's my diet. The whole thing. I was going to join WW, but I never really do that because I'm not good at points or counting calories or anything like that. I wanted to make it simple. I know this diet isn't good enough to turn me into Nicole Kidman, but I think that I would be a lot healthier. My plan is to get a little notebook and check these things off everyday. Should be simple.. we'll see. Who wants to try this with me? It's a one week challenge.. we'll meet back here on Monday.. if we feel truly happier/better/more successful then we'll keep on, but if we're miserable/hate it/and overly tired and grouchy we'll just quit... it's a one week challenge. We could try it for a week right?


  1. I have made a commitment to eating more healthy these days too. My migraines are getting worse, which means I have been to casual with my sugar intake.

  2. You are on the right track. A lifestyle change vs a diet is the best. That is what I have been doing and it works. Not too restrictive, some accountablity, cutting the junk, and moving every day. You will feel so good.
    I am down 30 pounds since January 3and still counting!
    You can do it!

  3. I'm in! The accountability factor is supe important for me and if I know I have to report to you I know that will help!

  4. Same here! I'm in!
    It's so nice to have some accounting. This diet looks do able and I really need to cut back on the sugar too. Thanks Tiff.
    I'll report back next Monday!! How fun.

  5. I agree, a life style change is always best. I'm on WW and actually really enjoying it so far. I'm learning a lot about how to make changes in how I eat. We'll see...

  6. I'll be healthy with you for a week. I can't do your diet because it looks too hard. I'll do the French Women Don't Get Fat diet, which is pretty similar... Move more, eat delicious, natural foods and savor the treats you allow yourself. (It's a fun book to read, too.)

  7. I'll do the diet too! I really went crazy when I was pregnant, and gained a little TOO much weight! I have been trying to make healthier food choices... and have set a goal to run a 5k. I think the accountability will be marvelous!

    I'm with Circe... the French Womans diet is more my style! We have been eating more organic stuff lately, and that is so much better for you, and I feel better too!

  8. I've been doing a lot better, but this week I've been lazy about my exercise, so I need to pull it together. But I have had 3 servings of fruit and 2 or 3 servings of vegetables each day this week. Again, fruit is so much easier to fit in than vegetables for me.
