Thursday, April 17, 2008

Daffodils and other business...

Kelly did a lovely post about the story in this book with a link the the actual garden.. You might want to visit her if you haven't. Also, this book is a keeper if you can get a copy. The illustrations by Anne Marie Oborn are luminous and amazing.

Also, are you reading? Book report day is coming.. April 26th.. just a reminder.


  1. I'm reading! I forgot how much I liked this book! Can't wait for book report day! (oh. how weird. i am excited for homework?? is that normal?!)

  2. I read Kelly's post about daffodils, too. So lovely. Daffodils are one of my favorite flowers.

  3. Very pretty boxes!!!!!~

  4. I remember hearing this story a few years ago and everytime I plant, I think of it. We can do so much when we add beauty around us.

  5. I'm loving your new boxes!

  6. I love it just from the cover. Daffodils are the best reminder of why God lives. They just radiate happy.

  7. Hello! I have loved looking at your blog (I am bloggless, but I love to lurk!) I always enjoy to read people's comments... and twice I have found you! One is Marta's (not my mother!) and the other is a cute gal from San Fran. Anyway... I just think it is funny that I keep running into my long lost cousin! Just thought I would say hi!

  8. Anonymous7:36 PM

    What fun, bright illustrations! :)

  9. Maren! Good to hear from you! Hope all is well in with you and your cute family! Blogland is a small world isn't it?

  10. this is a great book... i too love the illustrations.

    and thanks for your wonderful words of inspiration today. i really appreciated hearing from you.
