Monday, March 03, 2008

I love CANDY!

Someone asked me the other day what food I would survive on if I could have just anything I wanted. I didn't really want to tell this person that I am already on the Eat What You Love Diet (this title is copyrighted... I'm writing the book... sure to be a bestseller!) and I mostly just love candy. That's why it's so hard for me to eat 5 a day (fruits & veggies) for better health. If you eat all that healthy stuff, there will be no room for the candy.

If we are going for elegance... I love this candy. But, I am not as elegant as I would like to be so I'm pretty happy just at the grocery store. I love ju-ju bunnies! LOVE THEM! and Swedish Fish. I even like the smarties that you get at the bank (why didn't I ever grow up?) I adore tootsie rolls and one of my favorite things of all.... KISSES!!! Chocolate and affection in every bite!
Sometimes the Kisses people really mess up... like when they took the old Christmas mint kisses and put the yucky green goo inside. YUCK!
However, I hear they have redeemed themselves from the green goo incident with the Toasted Coconut Triumph! I am going to get some today and I'll let you know... Do you have a favorite? I might need to try it!


  1. I with you on this one all the way!!!
    I could eat candy all day every day. Chocolate covered almonds are my favorite, but I just love love love candy!

  2. I have never heard of Swedish Fish. I guess I'll have to give that a try. Kisses are good. In chocolate form and husband form. I want candy too.

  3. My favorite is Reese's Peanut Butter eggs--the small kind. I purchased four bags the last time I was at the store and the sales lady said, "So, what school project is this for?" I looked at her dumbfounded then realized that she didn't know I was buying them for my own eating.

  4. Oh my, I might have to try the toasted coconuts also. I love Hershey anything! A year ago we stopped in Hershey PA and it was wonderful! I adore Jelly Belly jelly beans, however not all flavors. At the theater I love buttered popcorn with chocolate anything mixed in. Shhh! Don't tell anyone, it sounds a bit icky but it really isn't. It's also a good thing I haven't been to the theater in a very long time.

  5. I like candy too and I want some of those.

  6. I love the carmel kisses. Could eat the whole bag easily in a day!

  7. Somehow I missed the green goo at Christmas but today, someone gave me a kiss... and too my surprise, there was some nasty pink chemical-tasting goo inside. YUCK!

    Your photo of gummy bears makes me crave them!

  8. Oh boy, you'll be sorry you asked! I love Sour Patch Kids, Sour Skittles, Starburst, Haribos Golden Bears (best gummy bears ever), reese's pieces, chocolate covered almonds, and a good ol' fashioned Hershey's bar. Oh and Kit-Kats. And Almond Joys. Okay, I'll stop now.

  9. I totally live on Candy! I have to keep changing my stash places, because my kids find the stashes and eat it! (I'm not a very good sharer...)
    I LOVE Swedish fish... I could eat an entire bag! And Chocolate cinnamon bears-- Oh delight!
    Really. Any kind of chocolate will do,(well. not those hersheys kisses with all the weird goo in them... blech!) as long as I can have a nice ice cold diet coke to go along with it! Thats the perfect meal, isn't it?
    Great post. Now, where did I hide that candy??

  10. Hershey's chocolate with almonds...either Kisses or chocolate bars. And Cadbury chocolate bars with roasted almonds.

  11. We just polished off a little bag of jelly bunnies and malted milk eggs. Yum!

  12. Oh! Let me know what you find out about the coconut kisses. I saw them and didn't trust myself to bring the entire bag home.

  13. I got some yummy peach licorice and some pin wheel licorice from the jacks country store (at least I think that was it) online. I tried to buy some red licorice scotty dogs but they were all out sad for me. I like the sour straws for the sour stuff as well. I didn't really like the new skittles that are chocolate flavor. They are ok but not my fav.
