Monday, March 17, 2008

Frilly Pink Dress...

Nammy says this may be the last frilly dress she'll get the girls to wear. They are growing up and getting too sophisticated for all these ruffles. I hope not, but I fear she may be right.
I love to see my sweet c twirling and twirling. I better take lots of snaps of the three cute cousins. They are all three going to be flowers girls at my sister Alicia's wedding. They are sooo excited.
"Well," said Pooh, "what I like best," and then he had to stop and think. Because although eating honey was a very good thing to do, there was a moment just before you began to eat it which was better than when you were, but he didn't know what it was called.
~A.A. Milne


  1. That dress is adorable. I better even cuter on them. Loved the pooh snippet. Have fun

  2. Oh yes that dress is so beautiful Tiffany!!!! The colour is so pretty and those ruffles, how gorgeous!!!
    I hated ruffles as a girl, hated frills and fuss and basically anything girly - so don't fret, there is hope yet if they do go away from ruffles, one day they will come back!!!

  3. It is so sad when they grow up and grow out of the little girly clothes. Enjoy the cousins all girly together while it lasts.

  4. That dress is so sweet. It looks like the perfect girly-girl dress. I hope you'll share a photo or two! And I love Pooh! When is the wedding?

  5. What a pretty dress! Oh, don't tell me we nearing the end of frills! I like Natasha's comment, hopefully it will come back!

  6. LOVE the dress and I love cousins in matching dresses. I seem to be the only one in our family that feels that way and I always am begging people, "Ok, for this Easter lets all buy this same dress." Maybe is it my taste they don't like :) .

  7. Love the quote. That's why I like Christmas eve better than Christmas Day. I saw Alicia's beautiful invite and picture at my parents' house. Wow!

  8. PS...Thanks for the springtime encouragement! You are so right! I took off my spring-hating rant. It was giving me negative vibes. As soon as the flowers bloom, I'll be in love with spring again. After all, it's technically still winter, right? :)

  9. Bonjour Tiffany! Thanks so much for your great comments and wishes. The pink dress is adorable!! Cute enought to mount in a frame once your daughter outgrows it! I did that with one of my son's stripped shirt, I mounted it in a deep frame together with a picture of him wearing it and some other trinkets of the same era. Take care, LuLu

  10. What a pretty dress ! My youngest has reached the period when she just wants to wear jeans ! I think I will have to start wearing more skirts and frills instead !

  11. Oh my goodness! I LOVE this posting today. xoRachel

  12. This is the time of year for pretty dresses!!!! I've got two little girls just waiting for spring shopping this Friday and hopefully a few wonderful dresses like the one shown on discount after Easter.
