Thursday, March 06, 2008

Easter Spin Tops...

Today was a pretty good day. A good day being one where nothing major goes wrong and a few things go very right. I like to get a few things done. And, I like to learn something.

I made these spin tops today and they will be in


I learned a few things.

I took a nice walk in the sun, which always makes for a happier day.

I like to go for spring walks and see that things are sending out shoots and greening and budding.

I have purple crocus in my garden.

I made a new recipe! (This is major.. I'm not a cook so you should clap at this point).

I made Marta's recipe here. It is sooooo good and such a great recipe (pretty easy). My family asked for seconds (this never happens with c). And then my mom and sister came over and they ate the rest. I was so pleased that I actually had something decent to feed them. Hooray!


  1. OK, I'm clapping for you!

    I discovered purple crocus in my yard today too!

  2. Spring flowers, I love spring flowers! I also love quiche and can't wait to try your new recipe.
    Thanks for the link and Tiffany, is there a bell or anything in the tops?

  3. Ohhhhh, Tiffany! Your Easter love boxes banner is BEAUTIFUL! I love the details in your little boxes, your color schemes are so perfect, each box is like a little jewel. Thanks for visiting my blog regularly. I am sorry for having been such a quiet blogger but things have been hectic here with my dad's illness and it left me no time at all ... I will make a point of visiting you more often, please do the same! Have a great weekend! Take care, LuLu

  4. Hooray for you... a new recipe! The tops are beautiful. You do great with color combinations!

  5. Cute spinners. Really nice things in here to cheer a ready for spring heart.

  6. Beautiful spinning tops ! Lovely colours. I am always amazed at the strong, bright colours of spring flowers after a long drab winter ! They are such a tonic !

  7. Sounds like a great day! Love the tops!

  8. These are gorgeous! I love the colors. You really are so very talented.

  9. your boxes...Greetings from germany Barbara
