Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Look what I found on my walk yesterday! Lovely. There were bunches of these everywhere.
It was another crazy day yesterday. I hope that today will be much more calm.
I have about 40 boxes that need to be painted post haste.. and my house looks like a hurricane had a party in here. c's school report is finally finished! Hooray! I hope it goes well for her today.


  1. I cant wait to be in Salt Lake for April Conference in 2 weeks. I love seeing the spring flowers coming up!!!!!

  2. Good Luck C. The flower is beautiful and 40 boxes? Wow. You do have a lot between the hurricane and the painting. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

  3. I think your hurricane stopped by my house, too. Hope you get your stuff done today!

  4. Mine are in full bloom!

  5. Gorgeous flowers! I gotta say...I giggled at your hurricane party.
