Wednesday, February 27, 2008

You are all very good eggs & Make my DAY!

I recently received a You Make my Day award from
Which was so flattering to me because I would rather stop over there and look at all those pretty things than look through any glossy magazine.

You know blogging is an interesting hobby to have. I know there are people who have issues with it, but this is what I think.

Being a painterly sort of person, which sort of person spends much of the day being painterly and in order to be painterly and have things end up to be the way they are meant to be... one ends up spending a large portion of time by ones self, which has always been OK with me. I have lots of books from the library to listen to and I have fun music and I have lots of little jars of color, which is the best. But if I ever get to be the smallest bit lonely, I can walk down to the computer and find a message or leave a message with a great old friend or a fun new friend. So other than the actual word blogging (which sounds like a person could possibly be gagging on their oatmeal) I love it. And, I am grateful for the connections it makes with people. And, I can still laugh when people make fun of it like they did on NPR yesterday by saying it was all about self importance. WELL (huff, huff!) I have to have someone to show off to. Don't you!

Speaking of Showing off, these are some eggs that go out today for a special order, but I wanted to show them to all of you first. Don't you like this last photo? I thought the side of the lid turned out particularly well that time. :)

Anyway, according to All Things Bright & Beautiful...

I get to choose 5 blogs that make my day and that is difficult because there are so many fun ones, so have you ever visited...

On This Harvest Moon.. which I love because its owner is a new bride and it's so much fun to read about her dinner parties and see the things she picks in furniture and music. She has great taste in music and shares my love of white kitchen furniture.

I Love You... I Think is just smart and fun with a little satire, which I love!

Tales From Pixie Wood has the loveliest English Charm.. you must see her lovely Easter tree today.

My Pink Turtle is literally one of my favorite new artists and shares my adoration of Mexican culture and art.

Gingham World because Michelle is my good friend and I was a bit worried when she moved away, but because of blogs we talk everyday. :)


  1. I agree, as usual! I love visiting you guys via my blog!

  2. I agree with All Things Bright & totally make my day! Congrats on the award. I think blogging is a great concept. I am constantly inspired by my own life, as well as so many beautiful blogs out there. Nobody HAS to read my blog...or anyone else's. It's purely by choice and I think it's great.

  3. Amen Sister :) I think that blogging gives us the opportunity to get another perspective on what we blog about. Which makes our experiences feel more real to us. Like you, I spend much of my day alone, and I love it. But blogging has added this other dimension to my life, of being able to connect with people with similar crafty interests and lifestyles. This all makes me feel more Me, being in touch with all my online friends. And since throughout my life I've almost always been the only crafty person in my circle of in-town friends, this blogging community has been a true blessing for me :)

  4. You know you always make my day! And I get really defensive when blogging gets criticized because it has literally saved my life during this move! I haven't lost my Davis girls and that is so wonderful! And I love the gratification of having someone to show something I am happy with when I create something. I mean who doesn't love to be told something they have created it lovely, be it children or crafts?!

  5. Congratulations! I echo the blog thoughts. I am in touch with people I have known for many years on a regular basis even though we are miles away.

  6. Oh, Tiffany! Thank you so much for all your lovely comments! You brighten my blog days too!

  7. Its great way to become connected.

  8. My easter egg love boxes just arrived. More beautiful in person!

  9. I can't tell you how many people's jaw drop when I "confess" I have a blog. (hi. my name is The Motherboard, and I'm a blog addict!)
    It's like they just can not fathom it! I get a little defensive, because my little blog has been a life saver for me... it has helped me to see that I *AM* normal, with normal children, doing normal things! And, its totally helped me to change my perspective...when my kids do stuff now that I would've in the past gone a little postal over,(like painting - with paints mind you- the dog rainbow colors, cause she was bored being brown...) I get all excited because the first thing that pops in my head now is "Oh! This is going to be a great blog post!"
    What great thoughts! And those boxes are BEAUTIFUL! You are so talented, and inspirational!
    Thanks for sharing!

  10. Dear Tiffany,

    You gorgeous woman you :-). It was my pleasure to nominate you:-)

    Firstly this box of yours is really beautiful.

    Secondly you make me laugh with your blogging and oatmeal comment:-)


    Thirdly bring on blogging I say :-)

    Hugs and XOX

    Felicity ;-)

  11. hows this

    "I blog therefore I am"

    (Sorry I have to laugh :-)

  12. I agree with you about blogging! No idea what or who NPR is/are but there's more to it than self importance. Some of the friendships and inspiration I have got from blogging just amaze me every single day.
    LOVE the box, yes the side did turn out sweet, and so did the tops, just gorgeous!!

  13. I ran into an article today and in light of yesterdays post, thought you would find it interesting.
