Saturday, February 16, 2008

Spring is coming...

I have been out walking on every sunny day and the signs of spring are everywhere.
Spring, the season of renewal and rebirth, is a good time to take stock, fix up and clean up and find in those efforts a breath of freshness. I am looking forward to planting the pansies, seeing if my lilacs survived the winter and watching for all the flowering trees to blossom. It will be sad to say goodbye to one of the most beautiful winter seasons that I ever remember, but it's good to be moving in the direction of spring. Onward!
I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving: To reach the port of heaven, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it-- but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor.
Oliver Wendell Holmes


  1. Tiff I love the colour of your tulips and your table too.

  2. I love that table too! Too cute!


  3. Pretty pretty flowers and so it the pink thingy they are sitting on!

  4. OOOh my gosh...what an increidble photographsof the pink tulips but the quote brought tears to my eyes. How priceless. Thank you for your blog and for the lovely comments you leave in mine.
    May all your wishes come true.

  5. I'm dying over the pink table. Did you find that or did you paint it because it is so fun and sooooo YOU!

  6. Ooooh, so beautiful!
    I love Tulips!!!
    Hug Lú
