Monday, February 11, 2008

Happy Birthday!

It's my sister's birthday this week! Happy Birthday Boo!
And, it's C's birthday this week... and you know what... I bought him this really fun present and I hid it really well... and now I can't find it anywhere. We've turned the house upside-down, little c and I, and it's just nowhere to be found. Dang. So, I guess we'll present it when we find it.
But, I know he'll like this PB Heart!
Happy Birthday C! You are my handsome prince more than ever! We love you!


  1. I hate when I am smarter than myself and cant find my own hiding places!!!!!
    Good Luck and Happy Birthday Boo and C!!!!!

  2. Happy birthday to C. Tell him we think he's great!

  3. Hi Tiffany! I found Michelle totally random this past weekend, and followed her links to you! I CAN NOT believe how talented you are with those adorable love boxes! WOW! You look great, and your talent is inspiring! Oh. BTW, this is Elisa H. I hope you remember me.
    Take care, and keep inspiring us!

  4. Your blog is so darn pretty!

  5. Happy Birthday C! Hope you have a fun treasure hunt finding the b-day present!

  6. Hope you find the present! Happy Birthday to your Prince!
