Sunday, January 06, 2008

New Year Brings Change to the old Bloggity Blog...

Since I am so lucky to be visted here by a few fun girls from other nations and a few non-political friends as well. I will no longer air my political rants on this blog... I'm going to save it all for my politics only blog Sunlight & Stars (It's an election year people and I must vent somewhere!). This way only those of you who like to get mad with me or at me can choose to read (both sets of folks are welcome... be fair warned if you don't agree with me I will argue with you, but I'll still love ya even if you happen to be way wrong and completely insane!!! :)

And, after some consideration, I have decided to list on EBAY in a sort of by appointment only fashion. If you can't, won't or don't want to go over to ETSY with me, I am willing to list on a "buy it now" basis on EBAY for those prefer to work with them. If you have a Paypal acccount already however, it takes two seconds to register on ETSY and there are really fabulous artisans over there besides myself who purvey marvelous stuff, so my advice is not to miss out on that. EBAY just takes too large of a cut and I frankly can't afford it, so when I do list on EBAY I will be adding their listing fee to my regular prices.


  1. It all sounds good!

  2. Hi Tiffany.
    I didn't know that if you had a paypal account with Ebay thay you could also use it with Etsy. Thanks for the info.

  3. Yay! I'll add that to my daily reads. Can't wait to hear all about what you and C are cooking up politically! Hope he will post once in a while too :)!

  4. Etsy isn't hard and you have a link for people like me that need it.....
