Friday, January 11, 2008

Mrs. Backer's Pastry Shop...

In Salt Lake city during the Valentine's season especially, don't miss going by Mrs. Backer's Pastry Shop. A fixture in the city since 1941, this place sells the prettiest sweets in town. Make sure to purchase a raspberry tart.. my very favorite!
434 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT 84111-1323 Phone: (801) 532-2022

Tue-Sat 8:30am-6pm
Remember not to get a hankering for sweets on Monday, because they aren't open that day.
C used to work right near Mrs. Backer's and I've missed getting a treat from there on a regular basis. Yesterday, we were in the neighborhood trying flower girl dresses on little c for my sister's upcoming wedding and step into a vintage, Valentine wonderland when we walked into the bakery. What a fun day!


  1. Oh, those cupcakes look delicious! I would love one right now. I drive past that little shop all the time, but I've never been inside. Thanks for the pictures!I think my husband used to stop there for a morning treat on his way to his viola lessons in the Avenues as a boy.

  2. I want a cupcake! They are sooo beautiful! Do you think they would travel well to CA? Probably not huh? Maybe we will have to make some but no way could they be as cute! Would you believe I have never been there? Another thing to add to my "when we are in UT" list!

  3. This is one of my very very favorite places ever! When I attended LDS Business College I would have to walk by there every day on my way down town to work. Everything tastes as beautiful as if looks!

  4. wow...look at all that icing! But..they are a work of art....

  5. I just drove by Backers today and pointed out to my kids, for the millionth time, that that's where my wedding cake came from. It was perfect, by the way! I love Backers, but I can only handle that amount of sugar about once a year! I love their windows. They really celebrate the changing of the seasons.

  6. I have seen it many times but never gone inside. I will have to now.

  7. oooohh, makes me want to jump on a plane just to look around.
    Too fun!!

  8. NY seems soooooo far away from Utah right now! Darn.

  9. YOu know I would LOVE that place right????? OH Me oh my!!!

  10. "wow" I've never seen such lovely cupcakes !

  11. Oh! I do remember that amazing place! YOu've made me very homesick.
