Friday, December 14, 2007

Snowflake Bentley...

Not really a favorit Christmas book, but a favorite winter book for sure. Winner of the Caldecott Medal, this book tells the story of Wilson Bentley who was the first to use a photomicoscope to show the world the beauty and individuality of snowflakes.


  1. I love little c's art! We love Snowflake Bentley, too, since we know a Bentley, and she's one of our favorite people! Thanks for your comment on my math blog. See, that's why friends are great. They encourage you and remind you of your strengths. Thanks!

  2. I love little c's art! We love Snowflake Bentley, too, since we know a Bentley, and she's one of our favorite people! Thanks for your comment on my math blog. See, that's why friends are great. They encourage you and remind you of your strengths. Thanks!

  3. I had forgotten about this book! Yes, it is great! We will definitely include it in our winter reading!

  4. This is a great book for adults and kids! Love it!

  5. I love this book! I had forgotten all about it. Thanks so much for reminding me.
