Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Raising a Reader...

I started reading to c when she was 6 months old in hopes that one day she would be a reader, a real reader. I also have followed my friend Michelle's advice (she's a real reader) and had c listen to lots of books on tape, which I really believe is a great tool for every kind of reader, but really great for beginners.
Yesterday, when I could not get her to stop reading her book, "It's so good mom!" "Mom! It's not a good place to stop right here." "Mom, 10 more minutes!" Three and a half hours later..."I'm finished!" Yesterday, my little c finished a 537 page book. This morning when I went to get her tired little self up, I asked if she wasn't overly tired and maybe should have saved a few chapters for this afternoon (violent head shaking). She regrets nothing. I think maybe she's a real reader.


  1. Oh, do tell what book it was she was reading!

  2. That's perfect! and how I want my kids to be. I used to stash a flashlight under my pillow for those necessary late night reads!

  3. That is a real payday for mom! There is nothing better than a real reader! Ruby is doing the same thing for the first time...Harry Potter. Thank you, J. K! Circ

  4. She was reading Holly Claus, which is a real page turner aparently.. :)
