Thursday, December 06, 2007

Poinsettia... The Christmas Flower...

I love these flowers so much. I guess I love these plants so much since it's the leaves that make them colorful and amazing.
One year I decided to paint a poinsettia box and it's still one of my favorites. I wanted a Christmas poem to go along with it, but there was not one. So I wrote this:


hail Christmas
the red star
flower of the holy night
and proclaim
"be of good cheer"
for he lives who alters
scarlet sin to whitest snow
for he lives who rose
the third day
for he lives creator of grace
in heaven and earth
... in crimson robes He comes again
while the red star waits and burns and shines
for to humble manger He first came
but in brightest glory will He reign.

Have you ever seen any other poinsettia poems? I also love the Tomie de Paola book. He has a really fun website.. see it here.


  1. Oh, I love that poem! My, you are so talented! I'll never look at a Poinsettia the same again. Thank you for sharing!

  2. I love that box and it really is a lovely poem!

  3. Poinsettas are one of my favorites. Each year, I plant mine outside and they return for the next Christmas. It is so fun to watch them turn green all summer and then the red returns just in time for Christmas. Nature is amazing.
    Beautiful colors on the box!

  4. WOWsa that is a stunning poinsettia you painted Miss Tiff! Oh and your tree below is unbelievable!!!!

  5. I have always loved your poinsettia poem. A girl of many talents!

  6. Oh wow that poinsettia is divine!! (the one you painted!) and I do love the plant too but your box is much more beautiful!
