Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Bahma Bahma Diorama...

This is little c's American Indian home. Aren't the little people cute?
Do you see the horse tied up to the tree? And, do you see the little mom who is going to pick berries from that green bush?
Do you see the Indian dad who is building a fire and tanning leather for clothes.
Do you see that little c is a bit worried that her project might get bumped or jostled?


  1. Adorable. I do hope that it doesn't get destoried! :)

  2. I LOVE it!!!! destoried !!! Oh adorable adorable!! And such a wonderful sweet diorama!!!! Oh, how wonderful!!!

  3. Little c takes after her mom in the creativity department! I love it! Those pictures just made my day! P. S. Can you write my kids' names on the bottom of their boxes? If not, no problem. :)

  4. What a great job little c did making this diorama. Clever girl.

  5. Go little c! Great work! No to mention attention to detail!

  6. Wow! That is one impressive diorama.
