Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I wanted to participate in Natasha's Prom, but I swear to you that I couldn't find a single High School photo of myself other than the ones in the year book (they're too small). I don't know what has happened to them all. I really looked and I just came across case after case of pictures of little c. Anyway, I did wear those sparkly earrings to several formal dances. They sure pinch, I've never pierced my ears and these particular clips are just mean. I didn't wear the necklace below to prom, but I wore it in High School all the time. I begged for this necklace and got it for my birthday one year I think. Cute huh? They are called parrot pearl, but I like to call them my pig pearls.. it's more fun to say. :) Happy Prom everyone!


  1. I bet I have one, didn't you go with Bryon one year? I'm going to look! Love the piggies!

  2. I wish I had time to scan and post my prom photos... fun memories. Maybe next week. I went to 3 proms, each with quite a story.
