Friday, October 05, 2007


This is such a beautiful place that it seemed like everyone spoke in a whisper while we were there until something kind of funny happened. We were on the 6th floor in the amazing floral department and we were looking at some of the most beautiful flowers. Not a hanging leaf did they show, every flower was a perfect example. As we turned from the perfect and amazingly large white orchids to look at these fluffy and beautifully round somethings that resembled.. what??? Tumble weed! No, said a lady from Kansas, it can't be! So, we asked the clerk. Tumble weed indeed it was! Lesson: Don't judge things when they have been rolling around in the dirt, they are quite lovely in water and a crystal vase!


  1. How funny--any photos of the pretty tumbleweeds?

  2. That kills me, never judge a...weed?
