Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I know this Jake story comes on the tail of yesterday's Jake story but anyway... funny things happen when that kid is around. He's at that age where he can talk, but you have to be the mom to understand. I often feel like I'm speaking to a fast talking German (I took a little German in college) and I'm catching only every few words and all this makes Jake think I'm a complete idiot.

I went to my sister's yesterday because she wanted to show me the Christmas sweaters she bought for her cute boys. When I got there, I made Jake come and give me a hug and as I'm holding him he says, "buzz blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, spider, blah, blah blah..." I smile and say, "Awesome Jake!" and he rolls his eyes at me. So then I make the big mistake and I show him his new Christmas sweater. "NO! NO! Teef! blah, blah, Buzz blah, blah, blah, blah..." So I ask for a translation and my sister tells me that I have made the faux pa of missing a major holiday. Jake does not want a Christmas sweater, he wants to be Buzz Lightyear for Halloween. Oh, is that the only problem? Simple, "Jake the postman is bringing your costume in a few days and you can wear this nice sweater at Christmas. You can have both."

This is where I get into trouble because my sister leaves the room and now I'm stuck with a small angry person and no translator. Jake says, "No! No! Teef! Blah, blah, blah... Super...blah..." Oh dear. And, I am the idiot Jake thinks I am because I say, "Jake this is a very handsome sweater." Violent head shaking. "NO!! NO! NO!!! Teef (I'm Teef, if you were wondering) blah, blah, blah, bat, blah, blah, blah....." It's now that I have a light bulb moment and come out of my haze. Jake is very smart and I realize that he is trying to trade me the Christmas sweater for the Buzz Lightyear costume first, but he is willing to accept Superman next or Batman if that absolutely won't work. And I'm wishing that I had learned that baby sign language.... "Jake, in 3 moons, postman come, bring Buzz Costume ... to ... Jake."

I'm getting smarter so I try re-directing and I put Jake on my shoulders and fly him around the room. But Jake is not easily re-directed. He's very smart and he knows what I'm doing. So from over my head I hear, "Blah, blah, blah Spider, blah, blah....." I didn't know what to do at this point so I gave Jake a big hug. I completely understand where he's coming from even if we don't communicate well. Jake and I are a lot alike. Actually, I was having a completely frustrating day myself. Things were not turning out. Having this visit with Jake made me realize that atleast I can work on my stuff Jake is still wondering where the heck the dang mailman is with his Buzz costume and why his stupid relatives want to skip his favorite holiday.


  1. Oh, oh, oh, bee-a-you-tee-ful banner! I just clicked her for a moment and I'll be back to read more about Super-Bat later on...pretty cool you speak German, though. Wanted to let you know the banner looks fantastic! Love, love, love it. Your blog makes me smile.

  2. Just messing around with the banner thing and trying it out today. I think I've been through 5 versions, but I'm now sticking with this one for a little while anyway.

    ...sadly I don't speak German at all.. I recognize a few words here and there, but after all that work.. it's just left me. I should have learned Spanish. I could have practiced that in Utah. :)

  3. I love the new banner too, think I saw an earlier version this morning. This is better. Oh, poor Jakey! This is why terrible two/threes happen I think, it is all about communication!

  4. Love the banner. I know that takes a lot of work....
    Regardless of how cute it is, little boys will never choose a Christmas sweater over Buzz, or any other toy, for that matter. If they did, I would worry.
    I love German-it is the next lanaquage I would love to learn. I wish my Espanol was stronger.... I have a weak vocabulary and understanding...living here leaves me no choice. I have had to call my Spanish speaking children to communicate with my housekeeper, etc.

  5. Poor Jake, his mother only bought out the whole store for him. But he only wanted his Buzz costume. I hope the postman comes soon. But Jake was very good boy on our shopping trip.
