Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Spinning Spider Tops...

I love spinning tops... I just got these from Oriental Trading. I felt lucky because they sell out every year and I came in just under the wire. They are tiny about the size of a penny, but good spinners as all spiders should be.


  1. We still have our spiders from last year and they are good spinners. The mailman was kind to me yesterday and brought me wonderful fabric to play with! My fingers are just itching to do something with it. Thanks so much!

  2. Good thinking in planning ahead. I'm learning that's the only way to do things!

  3. I have always wondered how these spin. I have thought about ordering them a few times. Thanks for the input.

  4. ANOTHER package came today yippee! Thanks so much and has little c been at the camera again? Cute picture!

  5. Love your new photo in the sidebar!!

  6. Wow and in your header too! Soo cute!
