Friday, October 12, 2007


You ought to know that October is the first Spring month. - Karel Capek
That's how I feel too.


  1. Those boxes are just soo cute.

  2. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Oh my, now I want more boxes!! xoxoxoxo Love them!!

  3. Tiffany, Here's my favorite pizza dough recipe. Try it next week- after you've recovered from your other experiment.

    Quick Pizza Dough

    1 Package active dry yeast
    1 C warm water
    1 tsp sugar
    1 tsp salt
    2 Tblsp. oil
    2 1/2 C. Flour

    Mix the yeast and water together. Add the sugar, salt and oil and mix. Add flour last. Mix, then knead on the counter for 2-3 min and let it still for 5 min.

    Cook at 375 for 15 min.

    For marinara I usually use Traditional Spaghetti Sauce, Wal-Mart brand- it's only $1!

    Megan Abbott

  4. What a wonderful site. The little boxes are adorable. I like your Halloween chandelier. I have never really gotten into Halloween, but I always admire those who take time to celebrate it. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I got a wonderful little package yesterday! It was so great I had to blog about it! Thank you so much, It is so nice that you never forget me!

  6. Sweet! And thanks for the NYC tour. I used to live there but it's been so long.I'll be visiting next week The trim shops are old favorites, and I'm excited for cream puffs and cupcakes!
