Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Halloween at my Mom's...

My Mom has always decorated really fun for Halloween and she always has a big party that night where all the grand kids... make a GRAND mess decorating cookies. Little c used to pile her pumpkin sugar cookies about an inch and more high with sanding sugar and then say, "Eat this mommy, I made it just for you!" It still makes my teeth rattle and rot a little just thinking about it. One year we had soup in little sugar pumpkins (that's the variety I think)...
Anyway, I love Halloween.. we get some pretty fun trick-or-treaters around here. One kid was very ambitious and he came around once dressed as I don't remember and then the next hour we saw him again standing on our porch with a pizza box in hand.. he said he was a pizza delivery guy. I reward creativity.. I thought that was hilarious. Then, we had this little girl who stood there and dug through all the full size chocolate bars to find a little pink dum dum at the very bottom..."tank ooo" with a big smile and that princess had stolen my heart... it was the cutest thing to see.
I need to remember to get some fun candy like that. It shocks me how many kids don't like chocolate. However, the most popular candy at our house on Halloween is just a plain chocolate Hershey Bar.. I'm going to get lots of those this year. What's the most popular trick-or-treater loot at your place?


  1. PS... there are some really cute Witch dolls left at ginghamworld.etsy.com

  2. I've been looking at fun Halloween candy online. Their is a candy blog: www.typepad.blog.com- or something like that that talks about Halloween candy. Every type of candy comes out with their own Halloween version. This year I'm giving out Halloween Tootsie Pops (what's not to love with a combo like candy and gum and maybe even chocolate candy and gum) in Halloween colors of Purple, Orange and Black. I also got a mixed bag or gum, candy, etc- so the kids can choose between whatever they want to pick out. I love Halloween!

  3. I know, my kids always want the suckers which I don't understand at all. A sucker when you could have a milky way? No way!

  4. One year I saw these mini bags of microwavable popcorn w/ a Halloween picture on them - pretty cute and non-traditional. I also like the free bakery donut coupons, as well as the free frostys from Wendy's. My personal favs are skittles, snickers and blow pops. I need some sugar!

  5. why oh why do we not have all this halloween fun over in the u.k??
    i have so enjoyed your pictures this evening - i am going to search for some more halloween items to decorate my house!
    tracy x

  6. We don't get a single trick-or-treater around here. Not one. I've heard all the kids are driven into a local village for the real action. But, as a child, my favorites were the big (not snack size) Snickers bars. Your mom's decorations are adorable!

  7. Bubble gum is the best.
