Thursday, October 25, 2007

Do you think this will work??

You may have seen some of the Halloween bunting that I made for my shop. I've been making a lot of bunting lately. The reason being that I am organizing a craft day for my church women's group. I have never really participated in these before.. mostly because they always choose some neutral color and I don't like neutral colors. However, I don't want to do all bright things and make the neutral people unhappy..
So.. the theme of my craft day is going to be, "I Gotta Be Me!!" you know the song? I want everyone to make something that will go in her own home. However, this is going to require that people bring a few things from home. I will have the patterns for the triangles (different sizes) and letter, but the ladies will have to bring mostly their own scrap fabric and ribbon.
... And actually some paint as well. Would that be too much trouble if it were you? I still have a day to change my mind about the whole thing.
The top picture is of "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" bunting that I made for little c's room. And the bottom photo is one that I made to demo neutral.. it's black, white and cream.


  1. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Cute banners and the painted boxes are adorable too.

  2. I love the banners! and I think that is a great subject for E night. I don't think that is too much to bring. You could have some scraps there though too, for happy birthday or christmas. I want to hear how it goes.

  3. These are beautiful ! What a lovely bedroom, I've said it have a wonderful sense of colour !

  4. I LOVE this idea. I never sign up for my Super Saturday's but this is one I would do for sure.

  5. This is a fantastic idea. No way is it too much to bring. Just look at the finished products!

  6. I wouldn't say it's too much to ask. I think it would be really helpful for the ladies to see some of those wonderful pictures, so they can be thinking of what sort of material they want to bring for their chosen project. Can I come? haha.

  7. I would love for you to come Amy!
