Thursday, September 20, 2007

Take This Fun Test...

I sometimes get strange e-mails from my dad's family.... photos of the most ginormous alligator in the world.. stuff like the. But, the other day my uncle sent a link to this American Civics test. So, yesterday I took the test for fun; weird, I know. There are sixty questions and it took me about 10 minutes to take the test. It was really fun just to take a test to see what you know without any real pressure. I don't think I've ever done that before. Anyway, I scored 78.3% keeping my c+ average going strong and teaching me that I have a lot more reading I need to do. C scored 91%! He has one of those brains where you really learn things and never forget them. It's often helpful to have an encyclopedia around. Anyway, take the civics test here and see how you do. If you can beat C's 91% (no cheating :) I'll send you a free bookmark. Have fun!


  1. Okay, I am not going to tell you what I got, it is too embarrassing! But I am now even more impressed with C's score! But isn't there one of these out there somewhere that is more arts realated? I bet I would do better! No never mind, this is enough humiliation, I'll just go watch Are you smarter than a 4th grader now! Thanks for the challenge!

  2. OK, so I got to #10 and felt stupid!

  3. It's a hard test don't you think? Especially if, like me, you haven't been in school for awhile.

  4. that was quite the test. I started reading along trying my best but then got attention deficite and just ended up clicking c, c, c, c, through it... (kind of like high school :) needless to say I failed (this test, not out of high school :) with a big 35 percent! ugh.

    Great job C! That's an amazing score.

  5. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Thanks, that was fun, evn though I only made a 73. It is amazing how much you forget when you've been out of school for 30 years.

  6. Okay, the rest of you made me feel a little better!

  7. I got 56%. I didn't look anything up. It was really hard and took me a long time. Yes, I'm a public school teacher. But that shouldn't count against me since my focus is English and not History. I was going off of general history classes from high school. Zeeesh! I did poorly.
