Monday, September 17, 2007

I Am David...

This is one of those films that makes me feel so out of the loop. I hadn't even heard of it, my dad just had it at at the house. This is such a beautiful film, really beautiful and it has such an important message. I don't want to spoil the story, so if you haven't just watch it. I am going to get a copy of the book because I would just love to read it after seeing this. Also, this film has many of the same ideas as James Michener's book Bridge At Andau, which is a must read in my opinion.


  1. I must be out too, I hadn't heard of it either! Leslie Caron was on the emmy's last night when I flipped through, I thought of you!

  2. I just added this to my queue and moved it to the top. Can't wait til it comes, thanks for the review, I doubt I would have heard of this film otherwise.

  3. No! I am David!
