Monday, August 20, 2007

Where I've been...

... seeing great sights...


  1. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Why didn't you invite me??? hee eee

  2. Aaaah does this mean it was that weekend you look forward too this weekend? If so hope all you M's had a great time!

  3. Nope it was the other people.. just a very few for 3 days. We went to Yellowstone for the first time. Very interesting place. :)

  4. How fun!! I love yellowstone, and Mesa Falls is so gorgeous. Did you stop to say hi to my folks? :)

  5. I wanted to stop Sheesh, but I was with a group and didn't think it would be good to invade. Hey, where do you get Bambino's?!?!

  6. Mesa Falls is a great place. I love to go out there. I went there a few years ago with Kiralyn for a hike it was fun! I recommend it for everyone!
    If you are up in Idaho, Craters of the Moon is pretty fun too and you can even camp there!
